Passport Certificate Assistance

Passport Certificate Assistance

FileDocsPhil can assist you with Passport Certification and save you time by delivering it to you.

What is a Passport Certification?

Passport certification attests to the validity of the passport and verifies the identity of the passport holder by providing a certified true copy of the document issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Foreign governments, embassies, and consulates often require this certification to authenticate the travel document before issuing entry permits or visas. 

The Importance of Passport Certification

Having a certified copy of a passport can expedite visa processing, simplify border crossing, and prevent potential issues or delays during travel. A passport certification can also be essential for various purposes such as applying for work permits, student permits, residency permits, or conducting business transactions abroad, which may require an apostille.

How Can FileDocsPhil Help?

FileDocsPhil provides excellent service in assisting you in obtaining your needed documents including Passport certification. With our expertise, we offer guidance and consultation in obtaining your documents, including the necessary requirements, procedures, and timelines involved. We ensure compliance with legal requirements and facilitate efficient processing of the documents for international use. It is essential to ask for assistance in obtaining your documents from a reputable service provider especially if you are not in the country and don’t have any means to travel personally to obtain your own document. It will help you save cost and time. 

Need further information and assistance in Passport CertificationTalk to our team at  FILEDOCSPHIL  to know more about the requirements and process. Call us today at  (+63) 917 149 2337 or send an email to or simply message us through the live chat for more information.


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